Since I was a young man, I have felt the need to be mentored and taught. My father died when I was 8 years old and my mother increased the alcohol and drug abuse after marrying my stepfather within 2 years of my father’s death. I suffered from insecurity and resentment combined with fear as a teenager and trying to find myself as all boys and young men are struggling to do.
Although my stepfather was a good father, he never had a relationship with the Heavenly Father and I just went through the motions of American religion without real direction. Even after a crazy saving experience on a hot August night in Savannah in 1978 with Jesus Christ, I never really was able to get a mentoring or discipleship relationship going. Sure, there were attempts with different brothers but most were not founded in unconditional love and trust and respect. There were conditions and requirements to see most issues their way or it was the wrong way.
I realized that men are not good at man to man commitment for life and sharing without judging and condemning. For the fear of my wife reading this, let me confess, I am guilty as charged. But my experiences in the last 40 years have been interesting. I actually had a pastor who I had been sharing with for several years tell me not to marry my wife because she was not like his wife, passive and sweet. He then made up an excuse not to come to my wedding. 33 years later, I am still married to this non-passive, strong woman who has supported and prayed for me despite my many impulsive and stupid decisions. By the grace of God, we have had wonderful ministry together.
But I have found that this is typical among men and thus, we have a need for “Keepers”. Men dedicated to men, their Brothers in Christ, for life. No exceptions, no requirements, except a 15 minute meeting every week by text, phone, email, carrier pigeon, morse code, instant messenger or even one-on-one, face to face. Just communicate with your Keeper for 15 minutes a week. Share your life, the pain, the sorrow, the fears, the victories, the defeats, the challenges and all the confusion and strife you are having with your own sin and other sane and insane people in your life.
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