It’s All About the Money (Part 2)
The world loves things more than it loves people. We see this again and again in scripture. Jesus sacrificed to serve others. We tend to forget the fact that we can have everything while ending up with nothing.
It’s All About the Money Part 1: Why do we love Money?
The worship of money is seldom discussed in churches or bible studies or conversations among Jesus followers. Money is not a popular topic. We need to talk about it.
Men Without Friends (Part 4)
How to be a friend who encourages. Fourth part in a five part series.
Men Without Friends (Part 1)
Men need friendship. In this lonely world, this has never been a truer statement. In this five part series we are exploring the rare occurrence of male friendship and what we need to do to make friendships common again.
Percentage Giving
I used to think money was about how much you keep. It’s not that at all. The real money question is, “How much can I give?”
What Makes You Come Alive?
So many men never really live their lives. What makes you come alive? Really alive?
Real Men in a World of Posers
Real men love and serve like Jesus. Crucified, buried, and risen again.
The Challenge of Pace
There is a challenge to pace. Here are four ways to get more control in your life.